{"id":11950,"date":"2017-09-25T14:26:09","date_gmt":"2017-09-25T14:26:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/victorhugocollection.com\/?p=11950"},"modified":"2019-07-20T05:24:33","modified_gmt":"2019-07-20T05:24:33","slug":"nfl-makes-alejandro-villanueva-alt-right-hero-as-mark-zuckerberg-censors-free-speech-of-maverick-artist-victor-hugo","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/victorhugocollection.com\/nfl-makes-alejandro-villanueva-alt-right-hero-as-mark-zuckerberg-censors-free-speech-of-maverick-artist-victor-hugo\/","title":{"rendered":"NFL MAKES ALEJANDRO VILLANUEVA ALT RIGHT HERO AS MARK ZUCKERBERG CENSORS FREE SPEECH OF MAVERICK ARTIST VICTOR HUGO."},"content":{"rendered":"
NFL MAKES WEST POINT GRAD, ALEJANDRO VILLANUEVA, ALT-RIGHT HERO, AS FACEBOOK CEO, MARK ZUCKERBERG, CENSORS FREE SPEECH OF US NAVAL ACADEMY TRAINED, LATINO, MAVERICK ARTIST VICTOR-HUGO: Whites, In Black Lives Matter T-Shirts, Label Patriotic Blacks, Jews And Hispanics, As, ‘Deplorable Alt-Right, Racist Nazi’s’, While Veterans, Of All Colors, Wake Up To The Fact That Football Is A Dying Sport, For Several Reasons, Including, Concussions And The High Violent Crime Rate Of NFL Players, Compared To Other Professions.<\/p>\n
Alejandro Villanueva is a hero. Pittsburgh Steelers coach, Mike Tomlin is racist. When Coach Tomlin chastised Army veteran Villanueva, for naturally doing the right thing, in standing during the National Anthem, to honor the heroes, who sacrificed their lives, to protect the freedoms of all Americans, toxic Pittsburgh Steelers leadership showed the world its true colors.<\/p>\n
It appears that Mike Tomlin is a bigot, who objectified 78 football jersey wearing, Alejandro Villanueva, as White, rather than as an individual, with free will, who loves his country and served bravely as a soldier in the United States Army. Most Hispanics, who aren’t pimps, have nothing to do with the slave trade, so Blacks, like Pittsburgh Steelers coach,\u00a0Mike Tomlin and Whites, like Hillary Clinton, who drag ‘Needy Latino’s’, like Alejandro Villanueva, and Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo Vaca II, into the fray of bigotry, are ignorant, therefore, racist.<\/p>\n
On June 14, 2016, Mike Tomlin hosted a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in his home. The minimum contribution to attend this political event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was $10,000.00 per person.<\/p>\n
The disenfranchised, Silent-Minority-Majority, of all colors, realized quickly, that something\u00a0was extremely suspicious in Pittsburgh when they witnessed Mike Tomlin’s Crackhead Jesus-like behavior, at a tense press conference, where\u00a0Alejandro Villanueva was white-lashed and vilified, for showing proper etiquette and norms.<\/p>\n
Historical evidence of Mike Tomlin’s\u00a0bias in favor of Hillary Clinton and his hatred of President Donald Trump, afford the rational conclusion that Tomlin’s\u00a0actions were\u00a0political and not altruistic.<\/p>\n
As noted in the NFL rule book, the\u00a0Pittsburgh Steeler coach was out of line in reprimanding one of his players, for simply following the NFL rules. Tomlin’s\u00a0harsh public criticism of veteran, Alejandro Villanueva, for properly displaying manners and respect to his nation’s flag, as a symbol of unity, exposed to the world, how the waning sport of American football, has been infiltrated by a corrupt political system, hellbent on destroying the experiment of a democratic republic, by using overpaid sports figures, as pawns.<\/p>\n
The Silent-Minority-Majority of multicolored Deplorables are represented in the contemporary art world, by former U.S. Naval Academy Midshipman Officer\u00a0Victor-Hugo Vaca II and on the football gridiron by West Point graduate and ex-Army Ranger, Alejandro Villanueva.<\/p>\n
The Silent-Minority-Majority understands that toxic leadership, is playing identity politics, and race baiting, to divide a nation of immigrants. Coach Tomlin and some openly racist Democrats, like Hillary Clinton, as noted in emails, published by Wikileaks, stereo-type Black patriotic Latinos, as ‘Super Predators’ and openly identify White, patriotic Hispanics, as ‘Needy Latino’s’.<\/p>\n
This fact is ignored by biased mainstream media, against the educated Silent-Minority-Majority, as it can be historically noted, that nobody in the NFL has ever taken a knee to raise awareness about animal cruelty, human trafficking, rape, black on black violence, black on white violence, or radical Muslim terrorist violence.<\/p>\n
Both U.S. born, Latin public-figures, Victor-Hugo Vaca II and Alejandro Villanueva served in the military, to protect the rights of all Americans, living in the evolving beautiful chaos of Democracy, under the United States Constitution. \u00a0Within\u00a0their respective art forms, both men have peacefully awakened the masses to simply,\u00a0doing the right thing.<\/p>\n
Both incidents, have raised public awareness, that Hispanics are being bullied into taking sides, in a hyped-up, nonsensical race war, for the benefit of toxic leadership in collusion with evil private interest.<\/p>\n
Victor-Hugo and Alejandro Villanueva, have organically raised global awareness to the fact that Latinos are undeservedly caught in the crossfires, of a misguided race war, that is openly brewing in the United States. Needy Latinos, of all shades, realize that division and ignorance are shamelessly being promoted as acceptable, through the propaganda of\u00a0fake news, broadcast on failing mainstream media outlets, that ignore Hispanics while desperately clawing for ratings and increased advertising revenue.<\/p>\n
The experiences of Alejandro Villanueva and Victor-Hugo Vaca II, highlight the under-reported fact that\u00a0Latinos are caught in the middle of a Black and White race war, fueled by fake news outlets, like CNN and MSNBC. For example, weak mainstream media propaganda promotes the false narrative, that all Whites, like Alejandro Villanueva and Victor-Hugo Vaca II, are, ‘racist-White-Supremacists’ and that all wealthy-black-football-players, like O.J. Simpson and Ray Rice, suffer more oppression than most Americans.<\/p>\n
On September 24, 2017, needy Latino, Alejandro Villanueva, was publicly chastised by his coach, Mike Tomlin\u00a0and ostracized by his teammates on the\u00a0Pittsburgh Steelers, for respecting the American Flag and standing during the National Anthem. A month earlier, needy Latino, Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo Vaca II, was permanently banned from Facebook, by Mark Zuckerberg, for being an outspoken, college educated Hispanic, who voted for Donald Trump and served faithfully, to protect the Free Speech of misguided NFL players, as a Midshipman Officer.<\/p>\n
Prior to that, the Clinton-Machine influenced Mark Zuckerberg to issue a digital death sentence, without appeal, to Hispanic artist Victor-Hugo, on\u00a0Instagram, for posting a photo of the modern-art-gonzo-journalist, sitting beside Hugh Rodham, holding an autographed, ‘Crackhead Jesus is coming’, sticker, for his sister, Hillary Clinton, weeks before her contentious race against Donald Trump, in the 2016 Presidential election.<\/p>\n
In spite of the fact, that according to historical records, Muslims and Blacks, to this day, are primarily responsible for the global slave trade, patriotic Hispanics, like Alejandro Villanueva, and educated blacks, having nothing to do with slavery or the Holocaust, are being labeled as racist Nazi’s, by uneducated masses consuming fake news.<\/p>\n
The Silent-Minority-Majority notices how white-guilt is causing information monopolies, like Google, to subversively social engineer a politically correct Utopia, for hypocritical sociopaths, who live by the edict, “Do as I say, not as I do.” The contemporary art meme titled, “Google: White Woman With Baby”, by Victor-Hugo Vaca II, shows the subliminal way that Google promotes a New World Order under globalist control.<\/p>\n
From Saint Louis to Berkeley, Caucasians consumed with self-hatred and White-guilt, are showing signs of mental illness, by labeling minorities, like\u00a0Alejandro Villanueva and Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo Vaca II, who prefers Infowars over CNN and trusts Alex Jones\u00a0over Brian Williams, as racist nazi’s, because they are patriotic Americans, who don’t subscribe to identity politics.<\/p>\n
While the NFL officially, jumps the shark, by spitting in the face of veterans and patriots, of all colors and creed, White people in Black lives matter t-shirts and Daca hats, expose their mass hysteria by labeling Blacks, Jews and Hispanics as racist Nazi’s. This historical moment is captured in the contemporary art meme by Victor-Hugo Vaca II titled, “The NFL And Crazy White People, In Black Lives Matter T-Shirts And Daca Hats, Hurling Insults At The Disenfranchised Martyr: The Silent-Minority-Majority.”<\/p>\n
NFL ratings are down double-digits this season and the third week of Sunday Night Football<\/em> for the 2017-2018 season declined 10% from the comparable game of previous year. Newspapers reported that tickets for the\u00a049ers-Rams NFL game were\u00a0reselling for the price of two\u00a0stadium pretzels and needy Latino’s know exactly what that means.<\/p>\n Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, censored and permanently banned the digital footprint of Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo for posting the contemporary art meme titled, “The NFL Hates Women, Children and Dogs”, inspired by NFL players, Michael Vick, Ray Rice and the documented dangers of head and spinal injuries, threatening the lives of children playing grade school, high school and college football. The word ‘nigger’ is used artistically, and by definition, as an adjective, to describe the most disenfranchised of the human species and not to describe color, race or ethnicity; as noted in the documented fact that women and children of all colors suffer the most human rights abuse on earth, especially in the Middle East, Asia and Africa. The censored meme, predicts the end of the NFL, for failing to respect women, children, and for mental health issues that endanger players and society, that will inevitably lead to a wave of litigation, from aging football players and victims of violent football player behavior, seeking damages from the National Football League, for exposing them to the life threatening effects of the neurodegenerative brain disease, chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which medical studies show, is caused by repeated head trauma, from the violent sport.<\/p>\n<\/p>\n