{"id":13867,"date":"2020-08-23T07:18:23","date_gmt":"2020-08-23T07:18:23","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/victorhugocollection.com\/?p=13867"},"modified":"2020-08-23T15:13:26","modified_gmt":"2020-08-23T15:13:26","slug":"trump-tik-tok-wechat-ban-planned-terrorist-attack-against-usa-citizens-video-warning-censored-by-youtube","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/victorhugocollection.com\/trump-tik-tok-wechat-ban-planned-terrorist-attack-against-usa-citizens-video-warning-censored-by-youtube\/","title":{"rendered":"TRUMP TIK TOK WECHAT BAN PLANNED TERRORIST ATTACK AGAINST USA CITIZENS VIDEO WARNING CENSORED BY YOUTUBE"},"content":{"rendered":"
We are living World War 3 and YouTube is taking sides by censoring information based on official police reports of planned attacks on U.S. citizens by Chinese terrorists in retaliation for the Trump Tok Tok WeChat ban.<\/p>
The UNCENSORED video can be viewed on BitChute and Brighteon by clicking the links below.<\/p>
https:\/\/www.brighteon.com\/c7a37f6d-14c5-4fc0-88b1-185e5ffe1cd6<\/a><\/p> https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/De8NUoFbN3NO\/<\/a><\/p> <\/p> First YouTube endangered the lives of billions of people around the world by censoring, banning and deleting videos of practicing medical professionals offering global citizens a viable solution to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic that has crippled global economies and killed hundreds of thousands of people around the world, now Google owned YouTube is without merit, cause, explanation, warning or appeal, censoring information based on official police reports founded on documented evidence of planned attacks on U.S. citizens by Chinese terrorists in retaliation for the Trump Tik Tok WeChat spying app ban.<\/p> The question now is, will the U.S. Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security investigate why social media applications like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are openly spreading Chinese Communist Party propaganda while endangering lives of U.S. citizens by flagrantly violating the Executive Order against Social Media censorship signed by President Trump?<\/p> CHINESE TERRORIST HUIPING WANG PLAN ATTACK ON USA CITIZENS IN EUROPE OVER TRUMP TIK TOK WECHAT BAN <\/p> Though censored on YouTube other free speech platforms including BitChute and Brighteon continue to share this vital information with U.S. citizens around the world.<\/p> USA Hating Chinese Terrorists use Fear and Force to change Political Environment <\/p><\/figure>